These are a great pair of everyday work shoes. They go really well with a plain grey dress or as an accessory to liven up a totally black outfit.
I bought them at the same time I bought my teacups (hence why I didn't buy three pairs). They were 150 euros from the Prada factory outlet. A little more expensive than the teacups but infinitely more practical. Despite the spindly nature of the heels, they are reasonably sturdy.
The bow is super cute. It's made from one piece of the same soft patent leather as the shoe and I like that you can see the underside of the leather in the bow. It makes it look less perfect. More interesting.
I've actually worn these shoes so much I have managed to stretch them a teeny bit and need to wear inserts when my feet shrink a little in the Winter. But no matter - they are still beautiful and add a special something to any outfit.
Sigh.... they are beauties! The colour is very unique. Just the thing for grey clothing, I agree.
SSG xxx
Just stunning! I love the elegant shape of the heel! :D
beautiful, as always.
what shoe size are you, btw? not that i would ever borrow them, i just want to know it's an imaginary possibility... or not.
I really love them NQN and SSG. They are timeless and classic.
Clare - I am a 41. Not sure if that fits within the realm of possibility or not!
Love the colour- and I agree the underside of that bow is a cute quirk
Aww! Thanks emmie gemmie!
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