Dearest Baby Girl - it seems like yesterday you were born, but in our
hearts you have been with us for a lifetime. You are such a delight. Such a joy. I
have never met a happier baby. You love having your photo taken and
greet everyone you meet with a shy smile. Once you get to know them you
share your gorgeous little personality with no hesitation or limitation, chattering away like you are old friends.
You have such a cheeky, gorgeous grin - you are the smiliest baby I have ever known.
I think you are the most beautiful thing ever, but then again I am
biased, being your mother and so in love with you.
And today you turn one.
You are almost walking, our Little One. You took your
first unassisted step a few days ago and are standing quite solidly by
yourself. It won't be long before those cats really have something to
worry about. You are so pleased with your latest accomplishment, but you do better if you aren't concentrating on standing.
You are saying four words so far: Mama, Dada, Baba
and No. That fourth one was a bit of a shock but it's being used quite
frequently. And you even seem to know what it actually means, worse
luck. You have 8 teeth now and happily display them to anyone who makes a passing comment. Or anyone passing.
You have developed into a very good sleeper and you love
to eat, Georgie-girl. The majority of your intake comes from self
feeding with the very occasional puree meal. You love roast lamb,
salmon, anything with cheese on it, sandwiches, avocado, peaches and
egg. You have a particular soft spot for kiwi fruit and blueberries and I
could shovel plain yoghurt into you all day. And it's almost mango season again!

Baby G, you are our love, our life, our world. The moon and the stars. Our laughter, our tears, our smiles, our hugs.
You are such a loving, happy, giving baby. You love to give and receive hugs. I couldn't have wished for a
lovelier little soul to be a part of our family. We feel truly blessed
that you picked us and hope we have done a good job so far. We
don't always get it right but we love you more than anything. We are so proud of everything we have all achieved over the past 365 days. In good times and bad, we are all better people than before you arrived.You make us so happy.
in our family there is strength in numbers. Hand in hand we stand
together. We have your back, little one. Your love makes me a better
person, not only a better Mumma.
We can't imagine our lives without you, our precious Little Bird. Happy first birthday.
We love you so much,
Mummy x