So the shopping "reduction" was well and truly "expanded" today. Mr Kitty had to go to the optometrist and the bank in town so I got dressed up and in we drove. I had an errand to run too, and Mr K's Easter present* to purchase so it was rather a full day for moi, all things considered.
While I was waiting for him (and lunch, I might add, all I seem to do is eat at the moment) I popped into Sportscraft at Westfield. BIG mistake. As Julia Roberts said in Pretty Woman "HUGE." I was only looking, filling in time, when a lovely sales assistant came up and informed me that everything in store was 30% off today (how very un-Pretty Woman of her).
Now, I don't really need anything. Much. I'll admit, some of my favourite pieces are getting a tad snug around the waist area, but I can cope for a while. Much of what I own is jersey anyway, but when I heard the magic 30% off, I forced myself to have a bit of a look around.
I wasn't disappointed. Sportscraft is currently chock full of fabulous things. Loads of great tops, numerous gorgeous frocks, quite a few great coats and jackets... But there was one thing I couldn't take my eyes off.
Now, we all know I have an obsession/love affair with leopard. But I tend to favour furry leopard rather than leopard print. I tend to find accessories more wearable - bags, shoes et al. But when I tried this dress on, I had to have it, especially with the magical discount. It's a gorgeous fit and there's plenty of room for le bump to expand. The jersey is soft and drapes beautifully. A win all round I'd say!
The dress also comes in a beautiful purpley-fuchsia colour, but with le bump, I felt a bit like a giant grape or berry (which will only get worse) so I stuck to the tried and true option...
The afternoon was spent test driving prams. We left the showrooms even more confused than when we arrived. We did narrow it down a little - if anyone has advice on the Bugaboo Chameleon, the Quinny Buzz or the Micralite Toro, I'd very much appreciate it.
*Mr K is not a fan of Easter eggs. Or Lindt Bunnies. I tend to end up melting them down about 6 months after the event to turn them into chocolate cake. I feel sad melting bunnies so I decided not to buy one for him this year. Instead I bought him a bag of dark chocolate scorched almonds from Haighs - His favourite and I also think quite Eastery. Outside chance he might actually eat them...
Ooooh a lovely dress Miss Kitts... well worth breaking your spending ban for! I have one similar and it has been Very Useful!! XXX
Lovely dress, Kitty! Love me a nice jersey frock - I might have to pop into sportscraft before too long! And, really, it's okay to break the spending ban when you have the obvious need to acquire new things for expanding bumps!
I'm really looking forward to your Preparation for Baby Kitty posts - be it prams or nursery items or general musings on parenthood. The Mr & I are trying to expand our family also (shhh on FB) - with no exciting news at this stage - but as tends to happen, I'm completely fixated and obsessed with all things Preparation for Offspring, so I shall be an avid reader. Plus, you know, I'm so thrilled for you guys, it's too exciting!
Must organise that catch up soon, btw. Maybe we can aim for a post-Easter Friday some time? Clearly lots to talk about.
Lovely dress - such a flattering cut.
I have the bugaboo chameleon and love it as the suspension is great and I never have problems manoveuring it around. I'm also finding it handy that the stroller can be set up to lie down so it's easy for the baby to sleep (once they outgrow the bassinet) and to face you (3-6 months old still like looking at parents). Contrary to what I heard on Internet forums, I find this pram very simple and quick to set up and put in the car.
My only gripe is that you can't use it with a baby capsule (not in Australia anyway) and it's quite low (a benefit of the Stokke xplory pram).
The other thing is that the bugaboo donkey pram will be out later this year which does everything the chameleon does but offers more storage and can be expanded to a double pram.
Sorry for the long comment! Wouldn't it be grand if you find a leopard print pram?
Dear Miss Kitty-Cat, I wanted to tell you how very happy I am for you! You are going to be such a wonderful and warm mother. I am glad that you found this lovely dress to wear as your bump grows. Happy happy thoughts from Chile. Lindaxxx
At 30% off, it would have been rude not to! Nice work, Kitty.
Yes I too have heard good things about the Bugaboo Donkey as well - I would look into that one since you are going to US (its out there!).
Dear Miss Kitty, as our dear blog friend Faux Fuchsia would say, you already know my views on leopard print, it is 11/10 xx
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