My friend M and I went to a preview of this film last week. It was a screening put on by my optometrist and when I got the email inviting me I eagerly accepted the invitation. It was a film I wanted to see but it wasn't up Mr Kitty's alley so taking M was a the better option: we love our romantic comedies!
For those who haven't read aything about the plot, it revolves around the relationship between Maggie (Anne Hathaway) a free spirited artist with early onset Parkinsons Disease and Jamie (Jake Gyllenhaal), a brilliant but troubled boy who bounces through life with infallible and relentless charm. He throws himself into everything - relationships, jobs, sex - with utter abandon. Set in the late 1990's Jake is fired from his job selling stereo equipment for sleeping with his bosses girlfriend - just one of many relationships he seems to have going on at once. He decided to become a pharmaceuticals salesman on the urging of his doctor parents to avoid him drifting aimlessly through life and from job to job.
Jamie meets Maggie in a Doctor's surgery where she is collecting more drugs to treat her condition. Immediately she spots his game with women and refuses to fall for him - they use each other for meaningless sex until they discover that there could be more to it. For Maggie, it's something she can't possibly deal with, for Jamie, it's a rude awakening for a man who has used so many women in the past to feel something real and genuine.
I won't ruin the ending but suffice to say I really enjoyed the film. After the first 30 minutes or so I didn't think I would like it as it does take a while to get into the story and start to feel the connection between the characters but you eventually do.
The comedy is a welcome relief in a film that could be bogged down by the sadness of Parkinsons Disease in someone so young. The content is dealt with as compassionately as possible, trying to give the viewer real insight to what it might mean. And for pure entertainment value, Jamie's brother is the funniest character in the film and has all the best lines. Hilarious!
Love and other Drugs opens nationwide on Thursday December 16th.
I really want to see this!!
It was very cute FF! Worth seeing.
Even if this movie was really really bad I am still going cause you gotta love Jake!!
Four stars for your review, Miss.
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