Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts, emails, text messages and phone calls about our present situation. I have appreciated every comment, every invitation to Christmas lunch, every word of comfort and support. Your kindness is so overwhelming and heartwarming.
Over the past 48 hours there have been a few developments.
Firstly, I have continued to improve. I have finished my antibiotics (yay!) and am eating normal food again (I made Hainanese chicken rice last night - was absolutely delicious). I even had a flat white this morning so I am totally fine and raring to go, courtesy of the caffeine.
I also had a rather interesting phone call from my doctor this morning - it turns out that the second round of test results revealed I had an acute case of salmonella poisoning, not viral gastro as they first thought. It's pretty rare to get salmonella nowadays - this was the first case she has seen in years apparently - but when you get it, it's pretty heinous. It accounts for the extreme pain I was in for a few days there and the fever over the weekend. Just for the record, I'm about 95% sure I know where I picked it up and it wasn't anywhere near my home...
The doctor has given me another script just in case there is a reoccurrence over the Christmas break but she said I should be fine, particularly if I am back eating normal food again and even drinking coffee.
On the home front - we've been overwhelmed by the invitations to share so many of my friends Christmases but have made the decision to stay at home this year. As such, we've been scrambling to try and create an acceptable celebration at home. Mr Kitty's family always celebrate Christmas Eve as the primary holiday and there are specific foods he likes to eat so we've had to try and procure them, or a workable substitute, at very short notice. We've managed to find a nice ham (nothing short of a miracle, actually) and a lovely looking fillet of beef for dinner tonight. We've scrapped the idea of a Christmas pudding and I'm making Not Quite Nigella's Surprise Gift Pavlovas instead.
It's certainly not the same as the celebration we planned, but Mr Kitty and I are happy that we are spending the time with the people who mean the most to us and who, no matter what, won't let us down: each other.
And as for my parents? well, your guess is as good as mine. Since that last incident I haven't heard a word from them. Not an email, no inquiry as to how I am getting on. Given I was so desperately sick you'd think they would at least try and make sure I haven't been readmitted to hospital at the very least... I even sent them an SMS asking them to join us at dinner for Mr Kitty's aunt next week while we are in Melbourne and they haven't even done me the courtesy of responding.
For people in their sixties they certainly are proving to be ridiculously immature and childish. The one thing that I have learned in this whole debacle is that you can only be responsible for your behaviour, not anyone else's. I'll admit that my response when they asked us not to come for Christmas was probably not as good as it could have been - that's natural when your parents reject you and place their own interests ahead of yours, showing no concern for your emotional or physical well being, particularly when you are highly emotional and have been so ill you have to go to hospital.
Their reaction to my illness is now absolutely ludicrous because salmonella is completely non-contagious, unless you happened to eat the same piece of undercooked chicken as I did. They couldn't have caught anything from me, so in the end, their selfishness and desire for self preservation has done nothing but estrange their family. I hope they are happy with their ridiculous hysterical behaviour (which we did point out on Wednesday as part of the process was hysterical and silly), because I have to say this morning we had a bit of a giggle about the whole thing and how dumb they look now. If you can't laugh and all that...
So, we've got the champagne chilling and the pavlovas are cooling in the oven and I am looking forward to a wonderful relaxing few days before we get on the road and spend next week with our friends in Melbourne, eating and drinking and making merry!
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas Day. I hope it is filled with merriment, fantastic presents and delicious food. Most of all, I hope you are spending the day with the people who value, love and cherish you.
Kitty xxx
The musings of a thirty something Sydneysider who has never lost her Melbourne heritage - or style!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I just want to thank everyone for their kind words and best wishes for my health and speedy recovery. It has meant the world to me. I have made steady improvements since yesterday and I'm even managing food - reasonable quantities! Massive step forward I say!
Unfortunately, my parents don't see it the same way. They have rescinded our invitation to come and stay with them over Christmas. We were due to drive down there yesterday but clearly I wasn't well enough and had put off the drive until tomorrow. I had a really good night last night - plenty of unbroken sleep so we thought we would be fine to drive tomorrow. Halfway through packing my suitcase this morning my mother called and said she thought it would be best if we made the choice not to come.
I don't want to get into "she said he said" because the whole thing is so hurtful and nasty but after countless phone calls and oceans of tears, the upshot is that we are not welcome at their house because I have been sick and they are worried about how that will impact their holiday and plans for January.
I honestly don't know what I can say to that. My heart is breaking. After all I have been through this year I thought that other than Mr Kitty, my parents were the people I could truly count on. As it turns out, they prefer their own company rather than spending Christmas with their eldest daughter and her husband. And to top it off, not only have they ruined our Christmas, they have also ruined the Christmas of Mr Kitty's Aunt because she was due to come along as well and now she clearly feels uncomfortable spending Christmas with people who don't want their daughter with them on Christmas Day so has to make other arrangements.
So it leaves Mr Kitty and I at a total loss for something to do on Christmas Day. We'll cobble something together I suspect but all I can imagine is how sad and alone we are going to feel without the celebration that we had planned with my family. They have disappointed me more that I could ever have imagined with their selfish choice.
And the other quandary we are faced with: how can you possibly forgive someone for doing this to you? For breaking your heart and ruining what you have been looking forward to for months?
Apparently parental love is not unconditional, but I know this for a fact: If I am ever lucky and privileged enough to have a daughter I would never treat her like this.
Devastated Kitty
Unfortunately, my parents don't see it the same way. They have rescinded our invitation to come and stay with them over Christmas. We were due to drive down there yesterday but clearly I wasn't well enough and had put off the drive until tomorrow. I had a really good night last night - plenty of unbroken sleep so we thought we would be fine to drive tomorrow. Halfway through packing my suitcase this morning my mother called and said she thought it would be best if we made the choice not to come.
I don't want to get into "she said he said" because the whole thing is so hurtful and nasty but after countless phone calls and oceans of tears, the upshot is that we are not welcome at their house because I have been sick and they are worried about how that will impact their holiday and plans for January.
I honestly don't know what I can say to that. My heart is breaking. After all I have been through this year I thought that other than Mr Kitty, my parents were the people I could truly count on. As it turns out, they prefer their own company rather than spending Christmas with their eldest daughter and her husband. And to top it off, not only have they ruined our Christmas, they have also ruined the Christmas of Mr Kitty's Aunt because she was due to come along as well and now she clearly feels uncomfortable spending Christmas with people who don't want their daughter with them on Christmas Day so has to make other arrangements.
So it leaves Mr Kitty and I at a total loss for something to do on Christmas Day. We'll cobble something together I suspect but all I can imagine is how sad and alone we are going to feel without the celebration that we had planned with my family. They have disappointed me more that I could ever have imagined with their selfish choice.
And the other quandary we are faced with: how can you possibly forgive someone for doing this to you? For breaking your heart and ruining what you have been looking forward to for months?
Apparently parental love is not unconditional, but I know this for a fact: If I am ever lucky and privileged enough to have a daughter I would never treat her like this.
Devastated Kitty
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
What a way to start the Christmas holiday.
I have the dreaded lurgy - viral gastro - that seems to be doing the rounds at the moment. I'm not going to bore you with details (because they are pretty gross) but suffice to say it's a lot worse than any gastro I have ever had. By a factor of about a billion. There has been a doctors visit, countless tests, antibiotics and even a trip to the hospital.
We were supposed to start our roadtrip to my parent's place this morning bright and early but instead Mr Kitty and I made our way to Royal North Shore's emergency room. I have never been in so much pain.
However, there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel. I am feeling better and we hope to be on the road on Thursday.
In the meantime I am re-hydrating using gastrolyte and drinking the occasional sustagen to try and keep my energy. And lots and lots of water.
Fingers crossed that tomorrow morning I'll be as right as rain and ready to head down to the Christmas festivities!
I have the dreaded lurgy - viral gastro - that seems to be doing the rounds at the moment. I'm not going to bore you with details (because they are pretty gross) but suffice to say it's a lot worse than any gastro I have ever had. By a factor of about a billion. There has been a doctors visit, countless tests, antibiotics and even a trip to the hospital.
We were supposed to start our roadtrip to my parent's place this morning bright and early but instead Mr Kitty and I made our way to Royal North Shore's emergency room. I have never been in so much pain.
However, there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel. I am feeling better and we hope to be on the road on Thursday.
In the meantime I am re-hydrating using gastrolyte and drinking the occasional sustagen to try and keep my energy. And lots and lots of water.
Fingers crossed that tomorrow morning I'll be as right as rain and ready to head down to the Christmas festivities!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Someone is determined to make me spend my cash.

How on earth is anyone supposed to say no to these?
They are beautiful. Divine. Gorgeous. If it weren't for the fact that I appear to have an oversupply of leopeard print shoes (Mr Kitty's words, not mine) they would be in my shopping cart pronto. You might remember I desperately wanted some leopard Miu sandals not long ago, however I procrastinated until there were none left in my size.
For those not limited by the glut of animal print in their wardrobe, they can be found at Net-a-Porter for 379 pounds. Maybe I shouldn't procrastinate as much this time around...
In other Miu Miu news, I also discovered these this morning:

And these:

And these:

Le sigh. I think it's going to be an expensive few months...
Friday, December 17, 2010
Gorgeous cardigan.

If I was in the market for a new cardigan and I loved Beige, this one from By Malene Birger would be at the top of my list.
Unfortunately beige makes me look like I am wearing a wholemeal peanut butter sandwich. Just Blah with my pale skin... So sad because it's a gorgeous cardigan and it's very well priced for designer clobber.
I think we should petition Faux Fuchsia to buy it! So her style with the beautiful bow and and lovely soft material.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
What to wear for Christmas?
We are heading to my parents place in just a few short days and naturally my mind has turned to what I might wear on Christmas Day. I have quite a few options but give I have to pack over the next few days I have to start narrowing it down quick smart...
We do a big dinner on Christmas Eve and I was thinking about wearing this combination:

Dress - Phase 8 from House of Fraser, Necklace - High Seas Choker from Mimco, Shoes (because sometimes comfort is the way to go) - Winona in silver from Country Road.
If I'm feeling super decadent I might wear my Very Penny Christian Louboutins in silver lame...
For Christmas Day we usually take things down a notch. It's a bit more casual and relaxed and I think we'll be going to my brother's place for a BBQ. Nice and informal.
I'm thinking about wearing:

Dress - Pipi Piping from Leona Edmiston, Shoes - Black Letitia Suede cutouts from Country Road. I also have these as an option if I decide to go all out:
Epihony from Nine West - currently on sale for $79!
Now - to turn my brain to what to wear on New Year's Eve...
We do a big dinner on Christmas Eve and I was thinking about wearing this combination:

Dress - Phase 8 from House of Fraser, Necklace - High Seas Choker from Mimco, Shoes (because sometimes comfort is the way to go) - Winona in silver from Country Road.
If I'm feeling super decadent I might wear my Very Penny Christian Louboutins in silver lame...

I'm thinking about wearing:

Now - to turn my brain to what to wear on New Year's Eve...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Love and other drugs...

My friend M and I went to a preview of this film last week. It was a screening put on by my optometrist and when I got the email inviting me I eagerly accepted the invitation. It was a film I wanted to see but it wasn't up Mr Kitty's alley so taking M was a the better option: we love our romantic comedies!
For those who haven't read aything about the plot, it revolves around the relationship between Maggie (Anne Hathaway) a free spirited artist with early onset Parkinsons Disease and Jamie (Jake Gyllenhaal), a brilliant but troubled boy who bounces through life with infallible and relentless charm. He throws himself into everything - relationships, jobs, sex - with utter abandon. Set in the late 1990's Jake is fired from his job selling stereo equipment for sleeping with his bosses girlfriend - just one of many relationships he seems to have going on at once. He decided to become a pharmaceuticals salesman on the urging of his doctor parents to avoid him drifting aimlessly through life and from job to job.
Jamie meets Maggie in a Doctor's surgery where she is collecting more drugs to treat her condition. Immediately she spots his game with women and refuses to fall for him - they use each other for meaningless sex until they discover that there could be more to it. For Maggie, it's something she can't possibly deal with, for Jamie, it's a rude awakening for a man who has used so many women in the past to feel something real and genuine.
I won't ruin the ending but suffice to say I really enjoyed the film. After the first 30 minutes or so I didn't think I would like it as it does take a while to get into the story and start to feel the connection between the characters but you eventually do.
The comedy is a welcome relief in a film that could be bogged down by the sadness of Parkinsons Disease in someone so young. The content is dealt with as compassionately as possible, trying to give the viewer real insight to what it might mean. And for pure entertainment value, Jamie's brother is the funniest character in the film and has all the best lines. Hilarious!
Love and other Drugs opens nationwide on Thursday December 16th.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Looking forward to the sales...
I always love the Net-a-Porter end of year sales. I religiously trawl the site, earmarking the things I might like... Hoping and wishing they might be on sale after Christmas...
This year I have been searching a little and have come across the following:
Diane Von Furstenburg Iris cutout shoes. Aren't they divine! I do wonder if they'll be a tad uncomfortable but they are terrifically fab...
Monica Vinader amethyst earrings. Aren't they gorgeous? I love the slightly odd shape faceted organic stones. Just Beautiful. Unfortunately they have just had "new season" added to the description so I don't hold out much hope that these will be on sale post Christmas.
These beautiful Miu Miu pumps - fortunately not listed as new season! I think a girl can never have too many pairs of good black shoes.
This gorgeous Alexander McQueen scarf. A silk wool blend it would be perfect for next years autumn/winter wardrobe...
Do you have things you aren't prepared to pay full price for and are waiting to purchase in the post Christmas sales?
This year I have been searching a little and have come across the following:

Do you have things you aren't prepared to pay full price for and are waiting to purchase in the post Christmas sales?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Campaign Ruby

I’m a massive fan of Chick Lit. There – my secret (or not so secret) is out. While part of me really thinks I should be curling up in bed with War and Peace, Jane Austen or Dr Zhivago, after a long hard day at the office, there is nothing I like more than the prospect of curling up with something not too hard or challenging.
This book meets that brief perfectly. Written by Jessica Rudd (Kevin’s daughter) the somewhat unbelievable but witty storyline sees our heroine, Ruby “Roo” Stanhope, accidentally booking herself on a flight from London to Australia after consuming two bottles of very good Australian Pinot Noir on the worst day of her life. The muddles and situations she finds herself thereafter are implausible but humorous – being offered a job on a political campaign as a financial policy advisor 4 hours after arriving in a country she knows nothing about with no experience, no visa, no local contacts and often no clothes was a bit hard to fathom but Jessica’s turn of phrase and the speed of the campaign trail kept this story moving forward at a terrific pace.
For all its pitfalls, issues and remarkable coincidences, Campaign Ruby is an entertaining read. Full of colloquialisms it does portray Australians as, for the most part, ocker 2 dimensional characters and larrikins but if you put that and the implausible storyline aside, Ruby is a genuinely likeable character that has a passion for good shoes and clothes and a love of a good glass of wine – exactly my kind of girl. There are characters are very well written, especially Ruby’s niece Clem who has all the best lines in the book by my estimation, but there are others where you are left wondering about their appeal, particularly Ruby’s love interest Luke. It’s not that he’s not appealing, he’s just a little flat and, well, as I previously mentioned, 2 dimensional. I have to say it’s hard to see the attraction sometimes.
Putting all that aside, Campaign Ruby is as light, refreshing and effervescent as a nice cold glass of moscato on a hot summer’s day. It’s definitely a good summer read and something that fans of Sophie Kinsella and Helen Fielding wouldn’t be disappointed receiving and devouring with a box of Lindt balls and a nice glass of “Peanut Noise” on Christmas Day.
Bottoms up!
Campaign Ruby
by Jessica Rudd
Available at all good booksellers – Borders online price $29.95.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Love this leopard belt - I think I need to buy it! Even though I am trying to avoid shopping before Christmas, it's very me... And I have been looking for a thicker leopard belt...
Listen to me trying to convince myself!
Peter Lang. $135. Mine.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
House Inspiration...
In the recent house redesign (version 1,234,567 of the house plans) I gained a room.
I say I, not we, because it's turned into my study come sitting room. I was supposed to have a nook off the kitchen with a desk for my computer and some shelves for books - not overly spacious or inspirational. When we decided we wanted to shuffle some rooms around after consultation with council I managed to gain an actual room rather than the nook which I am very pleased about.
Putting the cart before the horse as I always seem to do, I am now looking at ways I can decorate the room. I have grand visions of a couch, a desk, a lamp, shelves, a cupboard (built in of course)... most of which probably won't fit into the room as it's not gigantic, but I will do my best. Here are some sources of inspiration I have found over the last week or so:
Source: Coco Republic

I love the whimsical feel of this room. As a feminine retreat it ticks all the boxes but I do wonder if it's just that little too girly. The butterflies on the wallpaper are heaven though. I'm not sure about the curtains - perhaps too much?

Speaking of girly, this room is boudoir style heaven. I think the contrast between this style and the contemporary look of the rest of the house might be a bit jarring...
I have always adored the combination of pink and green and the freshness of the sofa fabric combined with splashes of fuchsia make this look chic and contemporary.
This room is soft but still contemporary. I love the soft apricots and creams and beiges. It has a warmth and elegance all of it's own.
My style and inspiration seems to still be very eclectic right now. Over the next little while I'll narrow it down a bit and will show you the results soon!
I say I, not we, because it's turned into my study come sitting room. I was supposed to have a nook off the kitchen with a desk for my computer and some shelves for books - not overly spacious or inspirational. When we decided we wanted to shuffle some rooms around after consultation with council I managed to gain an actual room rather than the nook which I am very pleased about.
Putting the cart before the horse as I always seem to do, I am now looking at ways I can decorate the room. I have grand visions of a couch, a desk, a lamp, shelves, a cupboard (built in of course)... most of which probably won't fit into the room as it's not gigantic, but I will do my best. Here are some sources of inspiration I have found over the last week or so:

I'm not wild about the wallpaper but I love the offset shelves and the fusion of classical style and contemporary furniture. I also really like the metallic nature of the wallpaper - it makes the room glow.
The next three rooms are from Osbourne and Little.
The next three rooms are from Osbourne and Little.

I love the whimsical feel of this room. As a feminine retreat it ticks all the boxes but I do wonder if it's just that little too girly. The butterflies on the wallpaper are heaven though. I'm not sure about the curtains - perhaps too much?

Speaking of girly, this room is boudoir style heaven. I think the contrast between this style and the contemporary look of the rest of the house might be a bit jarring...

My style and inspiration seems to still be very eclectic right now. Over the next little while I'll narrow it down a bit and will show you the results soon!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Eat Me!

How fabulous are these tags? For those among us who love too bake their Christmas presents, these are simply wonderful. I am always looking for handy ways to wrap and "gift-tag" my baked presents, and I admit to popping a few of these into my shopping cart a little while ago... The Alice-ness of them just got me.
Rowena at Crafty Pagan does such fabulous work - all her other tags are whimsical and funny like these ones!
Check out her etsy shop - if you love vintagey style stuff, you won't be disappointed!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I am always on the hunt for the perfect pair of summer sandals. They are always too tall or too flat (yes really) or rub and give me blisters... I once had the perfect pair of leather slides - they weren't expensive (I seem to remember they were Sandler) and the soft leather had moulded perfectly to my feet. They mysteriously disappeared from my bag on a trip to Melbourne (I maintain they were stolen but who would want to take a pair of five year old sandals is a mystery to me).
This year I am on the search yet again. I have invested in a few pairs of Country Road flats that will see me through the Summer but I still need sandals.
A couple of weeks ago I spotted these:
They are from Sambag and are called Deborah and are made from the softest suede. No chance of rubbing there and the ankle strap is really comfy! I have worn them a few times now and they are great. OK, so I can't walk for miles in them and I still need a pair of flat sandals but they will do the trick until I find them.
This year I am on the search yet again. I have invested in a few pairs of Country Road flats that will see me through the Summer but I still need sandals.
A couple of weeks ago I spotted these:

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