Some of you out there know that this week we were expecting a small bundle of joy... Well - we, being the extended Kitty family, more specifically our one year old blue tortoiseshell Burmese Millie, pictured above at 61 days pregnant (2 days before delivery) in her favourite place, above Mr Kitty's computer.
Well, overnight, Millie went from being our baby to a Yummy Baby Mumma! I'm pleased to announce that at about 4am this morning she had her kittens! All six of them! For a first time mum that's a lot of kittens - the normal is 2-4 kittens but our little baby is a serious overachiever.

And no, before you ask, I didn't help her with the baby birthing. She went back to Melanie at Suchi Burmese on Thursday to have her (many many) babies. They were born in the equivalent of the Park Hyatt - five star luxury all the way. Nothing is too good for our little girl.
We popped over to see her this afternoon and she's doing brilliantly and was very happy to see us. Loads of pats and cuddles and snuggles for our little girl. She's a fabulous Mumma - lots of cuddles for her little babies. Hopefully over the next week or so they'll all grow fabulously and get really big and we'll be able to go over for a kitten cuddle ourselves!
Lots of love from the extended Kitty household today!
Kitty xx
yay!!! they're so cute. i want one... i'm not allowed though (apartment, maybe going o/s etc), so i shall have to live through your posts :)
Congratulations to the Kitty Family!
SSG xxx
Oh how adorable. Was it funny seeing your little baby having babies? Does this make you a Grandma? :)
Are the kittens all going to be sold or are you going to keep some?
Oh how gorgeous - congratulations to the dear Mumma and to you all Kitty family... looking forward to more photos soon. x
Oooh, adorable! I'm so jealous. When do you get to bring them home?
Thanks for the lovely comments everyone!
Emmie - we don't get to keep any unfortunately (or fortunately as Mr Kitty says)! We did this as a favour to the breeder who wants a kitten from Millie. Something to do with amazing genes or bloodlines! It was definitely weird becoming a kind of grandma!
They'll be coming for a visit in a few weeks Kiki! I'm just sad I can't keep them all. Mr Kitty forbids me naming them!
Congratulations on your new addition! They are so tiny and cute! :D
Aww! Congratulations :)
Thanks everyone - they are apparently doing very well!
Hello from Townsville. Very pretty Mum, and cute babies, BUT ..... how did they all fit inside her in the before photo?
Tee Hee,
Louise in Townsville
Nawwwwww I want one!!! So adorable! xx
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! Love your blog, no surprises there! About to become a follower...x
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