Like visiting the Leona Edmiston website whilst still on holidays. I felt like I needed a treat given I haven't bought much while in Phuket.
Someone please talk me out of buying these:

Unfortunately I think it's going to be one heck of an expensive winter...
Buy Them.
I Have Spoken.
Now. Go.
The Universe Has Spoken.
If you Do Not then I Will. :-)
I guess I have been told. Watch out LE - I'm coming on Monday!
Myer Sydney city has 15% off LE tomorrow - maybe you can get someone to buy them for you? You can always exchange for size on Monday ;-)
Buy the last dress!
CG - alas, I only just saw your comment! BOO! Will have to pay full price on Monday instead. FF - it's entirely too likely I will buy all of them... So long as the leo-pard isn't too "printy"... If you know what I mean ;)
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