Season four of Mad Men: There isn't nearly enough Joan so far for my liking, but I am hopeful there will be more this season. Watching Mr Perfect unravel is compelling viewing.
Australia's obsession with cooking shows: from Junior Masterchef (god those kids are phenomenal cooks!) to Iron Chef (not loving but have high hopes it might get better) to Poh's Kitchen and Food Safaris... It's all about food at the moment on TV! Suits me - I'm just sad they have stopped showing KitchenTime on Seven2 in the afternoons... Boo! It might be time for Foxtel, I think...

Ben and Jerry's: It's now available in our local Woolies and it's so much better than having to traipse to Thomas Dux to get it. My favourite new flavour? Triple Caramel Chunk. Awesome. I have to seriously limit my intake.
Walking: The scent of Spring is in the air and it makes going for a walk in the morning so pleasurable. Sets the tone for a great day!
Planning the interiors for our house: We have been making some exciting decisions about what we are doing with the house. Watch this space!
What are you loving right now poppets?
I'm still on season 1 of madmen, so still plenty of Joan. Why don't my curves look like that?? Maybe she's shaped by her structural undergarments. I read that she's the only female cast member who wears original vintage underwear. She makes me want to dye my hair red, but I'd look terrible, I'm sure.
I know... I just wibble wobble... She is so fabulous!
I don't think Christina Hendricks has red hair naturally. I do think almost everyone can pull off red hair, it's just a matter of finding the right red!
Ben and Jerry's and I need to stay at opposite ends of town at the moment. Can you believe they moved a darn fridge full of it and parked it right in the fruit section at Woolies?! The fruit! x
It's a travesty! At least they have B&J's in the ices cream fridge in our Woolies - you can avoid it if you want to... As of next week I am going to be avoiding it too - I will have to be back on the healthy eating bandwagon...
OMG I literally just had a break and watched the season 4 finale of Mad Men. I won't spoil it but I liked the ending even if what happened in it seemed a bit sudden! :)
We just finished Mad Men season 4 too. I miss it already!
the last episode of season 4 disappointed me- thoughts????
I found it interesting. Working in that kind of industry I have always found the show fascinating. I do think Don may have jumped a bit quickly with his actions but he has always been an "all or nothing" character. We'll see the ramifications in the next series I guess! I do think he treated Faye badly though. I am glad Joan did what she did - I think she's an amazing character.
I may or may not have eaten some Ben & Jerry's Triple Caramel chunk ice cream while watching it...
Oh wish I had got into Mad Men earlier.. Maybe will have to get the lot on DVD! Phwoarrr indeed! X
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