We now have a holiday tree, courtesy of a quick trip to Freedom at Top Ryde. We were all set to buy an actual (faux) tree, until Mr Kitty pointed out that we now have a 6 foot tall mango vine lamp where our tree normally goes. And given we aren't going to be at home for Christmas this year, we thought it might be better to opt for something a little more subtle. We'll invest in a faux tree next year I think - it's eminently more practical (and stable) with the kitties...
Okay, so perhaps we missed the mark on the subtle point but it's still pretty cool (and very sparkly). It's our (and Freedom's) modern interpretation of the Christmas tree, and funnily enough, on our side table it actually works.

We also picked up some really cute decorations to add to our collection - these gorgeous silver birds from Country Road. They are very sweet. I had to stop myself at six... But they do have a fabulous range of decorative goodies in store so check it out!

And say what you will about Aldi (lord knows I normally do!) but they do have a remarkable selection of continental Christmas goodies as low prices. I know you normally pay at least double the price at local delis for the pfeffernusse... Mr Kitty has already started on the stollen as you can see and pronounces it acceptable. He had to have three slices to make that decision though...

I also treated myself to some limited edition T2 White Christmas tea which smells so good... It contains apple, hibiscus, meringue bits, raisins, orange peel, rosehip, orange pieces, rosebuds, cardamom and cloves. Delish!
I've yet to start on my Christmas wrapping and cards but no doubt they won't be far away. Well, once the cards arrive from overseas that is!
Are you planning for your Christmas yet?
Kitty x
Great purchases Kitty, the birds are so cute and the tea sounds yummy!
I haven't started decorating yet - I think I'd get into trouble.
Love your tree though! Very pretty.
It's never too early to start decorating Clare!! And the tree is not overly Christmassy so I think you could get away with it...
The birds are gorgeous Ms Curious. There are lots of lovely decorations in CR this year.
Actually funny that you ask as I've just sent out my Christmas invitations today! I can't wait to see more of your Christmas! :)
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