Oh my goodness - how stunning are these prams? It's the new limited edition Missoni design for Bugaboo, available in the Bee and Cameleon models! They'll be available exclusively in Neiman Marcus in the US and a few stores in Canada from July - no word on Australian stockists as yet. There may not be any at all. Wouldn't that be awful!
They really are just divine. If I knew I was having a girl I'd buy one in a heartbeat. But alas I think the Cameleon design is a bit girlie for a little boy and I think the light green solid colour is more practical long term for either girls or boys.
I feel Neiman Marcus at Fashion Show Mall might be getting a visit??? x
Oh gosh I loooove it! Sadly DH made a face, he doesn't like. Then again, he doesn't think we even need a purple canvas set?! And his favourite colour is purple!? He said, "we don't need it." To which I replied, slightly manically, "we don't NEED anything in life, but I WANT it!!!"
If they ever release a leopard print, I swear to god, I will crawl over broken glass...
OMG I've gone to heaven...you must get this Miss Kitty!!! Unless they do leopard print of course ;-)
SSG - I agree, however it's not available until JULY!!! And apparently we're not allowed to stay for two months :(
The Mummy - Mr K said the same thing! He thought it was a bit busy and girlie. I think we should all email Bugaboo and ask for a leopard print fabric set to be released!!
Sassandspice - I'm really very tempted...
Have you checked out the Quinny yet? What do you reckon? xx
Sophie - I checked out the Quinny and we really liked it but the reason we finally decided for the Bugaboo was the weight issue. The Quinny Buzz is at least 3 kilos heavier and lifting in and out of the car does make a difference.
Ahhh, I saw this the other day and died - it's just gorgeous!!! The zigzag's are my favourite - fingers crossed for when we finally get pregnant!!!
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