I am 110% happy with my kindle purchase. It arrived last Thursday - three days after purchasing it. I was impressed with the shipping speed but I am even happier with the product.
It really is just like reading an actual book. It's heavier than a small format paperback but lighter than a hardcover book. The responsiveness when you flick between pages is great. It's really easy to read in full sunlight and there is no glare to read by the light of a lamp in the evening. I am about halfway though my first book on it and I have to say it's one of the best purchases we have made recently.

In addition to the kindle, I also bought a cover - the burgandy leather official kindle cover. I'm not known for being easy on my possessions so this was a must for me. The cover doubles the kindle's weight but I love that it makes it feel more bookish, and the built in light is fantastic for travelling. I love that purchasing is also practically instantaneous. You can buy from your kindle anywhere (I have a 3G version) or from your computer and it arrives at your kindle in seconds. The experience is great.

Although I'll always love reading old style books (the ones made from paper) this is a very practical solution to my travelling and hauling 10 books in my carry on problem. And it's great for reading on the bus etc. I'll still buy the occasional non-digital book but I'd say this has replaced at least 80% of my purchases. Sorry Dymocks and Borders, the experience just can't be beaten.
If you haven't already got a kindle and you are a voracious reader like I am, I'd highly recommend looking at one. The reduced price of eBooks means you'll likely cover the cost of the investment in 15 or so books, depending on the cost of the books you purchase, plus there are loads of books you can get for free. The 3G kindle costs $189US plus express shipping.
SOLD! Miss Kitty can you please reveal where you purchased yours from? And - if from the US - I assume it has a US charger? Does that matter long term for batter life with the different current we have here (sorry I don't know the proper words...)?
Thank you for your review!!
No dramas at all! We purchased it through Amazon directly. They do an Australian (International) version of the Kindle with a micro USB cable as a charger so you can plug into your computer to charge. Fine for us as we always travel with a laptop but apparently the Kindle can go for a full month without needing to be recharged! Will let you know how long it lasts me before I need to plug it in. I'd also invest in a cover for it - if you don't want an Amazon one, there are plenty of designers who make them and there are heaps of them available on Etsy...
Oh fab! Amazon direct, got it. The Aussie website I found was well over $300. Cover is a must, like you I am not particularly delicate with my belongings...
Oooh I am SO tempted I can't tell you. Thanks for the review. I would adore the idea of books at the fingertips at any time of day or night. Perfect. xx
Fantastic price! I am a massive purist when it comes to "real" (ie paper) books, but I've been eyeing off my Dad's iPad for weeks now. Maybe the Kindle is the way to go! xx
Oooh urge to buy one getting very...strong! :P
Dear Ms Kitty-Cat, Thank you for this review. Like you I read a lot and must have books to read when I travel so I think I will definitely get one but now I have to wait six months because thanks to you Miss K-C I am not spending! I shall look forward to this as my first reward. I downloaded some audiobooks for my iPhone for listening on this extended car trip and the immediate gratification of getting it while one is making a cup of tea is wonderful. Having less books will help in the clutter department too.
Dear Miss Kitty, how very interesting, I love the idea of combining technology with literature, and reducing clutter xx
I am also loving the Kindle that I got last month. Unfortunately the "whole month without a charge" thing doesn't hold true, but the battery life is still quite good. And you're right, it perfectly solves the dilemma of how many books to take when travelling, and the worry that I've selected the wrong ones! The only issue I've had is that as its an electronic device, you can't read during taxi & take-off on a flight, but that's a small price to pay for saving all that luggage space. Be sure to check out the newspapers/magazines/journals that can be subscribed to as well!
Semi-Expat: given that I have been purchasing most of my books on Book Depository, the not having to wait factor is a revelation! Highly recommended.
Kitty-Cate: I am a book purist too. I don't think this will stop me buying books full stop but it's handy for all those cheap and cheerful novels I buy on a regular basis...
NQN: I don't think you'll regret buying one. I was skeptical until I played with a friend's and then I was hooked!
Linda in Chile: I totally agree. It is a big purchase but by buying it you actually SAVE money... So it is quite a thrifty purchase (Kitty-nomics). Definitely worth thinking about.
Blighty: I wasn't sure I'd love it but I am hooked.
Tori - thanks for the heads up on the battery life. Mr K thinks I might be able to charge it using the Micro USB cable and my iphone charger. I might give that a go! I always travel with a magazine so take off and landing isn't really an issue for me! But I agree - it is a bit annoying...
Miss K-C I'm not sure that your blog is entirely good for me. I have added pearls to my Buy List and have re-jigged next month's budget to allow for a Kindle purchase.
Next month's budget has already been stretched to include leopard-print lined Hunter / Jimmy Choo wellingtons...
Thanks for the review, Miss Kitty - I think you've sold me on the kindle as well. We have more books than we have space for them, and I've just decided to do a major de-clutter and join the library. I will never stop my voracious reading habit but the space (and money!) factor causes a difficulty. Kindle could be the solution!
Do your eyes hurt from reading the screen? And is there a good selection of books for the kindle? I've heard they are somewhat limited but that's from my boss who reads different things to me. I think you and I read similar genres.
Interesting. I was wondering how long it lasts for (thinking long haul flights) but noticed you said it suppose to only need recharging every month?? thats incredible! please update us once youve tested that!
The Mummy - I apologise in advance for any spending you might make as a result of visiting this blog. But I think you need to look at the kindle as a money SAVING device. Most of my books are half price or less on the kindle and there are so many free books if you love the classics...
Amy - I read a lot of popular fiction and there is plenty of that on Amazon. I haven't found any books I've been looking for so far that haven't been on the site. I probably will - eventually - but there are other sites that sell ebooks... My eyes don't hurt from the screen at all. Because it's not backlit you don't get that eye strain issue. That's the reason I wasn's so keen on the iPad - too much like a computer for reading for me and I spend all day on the computer already.
Elise - will definitely update with an estimate on how many hours I have used it for without recharging...
Where are you buying your ebooks from Kitty? I am finding that a lot of titles I am looking for are not available on Amazon
Data on Dub, I haven't done an exhaustive search but here are some of the eBook sites that have been recommended to me:
Free eBooks
Commercial websites that offer eBooks
Thanks, have tried Amazon, Kobo and Borders but there is a few here I was not aware of:)
Okay - so the charge lasted a little over a week which I estimate was about 15 reading hours. I have a sneaking suspicion it wasn't charged fully in the first place but taking that into consideration I'd say the reading time would be 20 hours max per charge then I could see how it would last a month if you read it an hour a day to and from work.
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