I have been lusting after this dress from the etsy shop of Lirola for at least a year now. It looks so comfortable and I love you can choose your colour. I love that the materials seems so soft and easy to wear. I love that she - like many etsy artists - makes to measure.
Israeli based Liron, the designer and shop owner has, for the past 3 years, been designing womens clothing. With more than 1000 sales on etsy alone, I'm clearly not alone in my adoration of her simple classic style.
I think I might have to purchase this beautiful dress once the spending ban is over. The only question is - in which colour?
What a lovely dress. I could browse on Etsy for hours.
So beautiful! I've never bought a dress from Etsy - it's great that many of them make to measure, how fabulous.
Love the dress Kitty! It sort of reminds me of a comfy version of Kate Middleton's Issa engagement dress.
I have to agree with you all - it's a really pretty dress.
Amy - maybe I should get it made in Kate Middleton Blue? The similarities between us are already staggering, you know!
The Mummy - I love that too - it's fantastic.
You Me and Tea, it's a wonder I get any work done at all...
Such a pretty dress :) I love the colour.
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