Monday, November 12, 2012

Ta Daaaaa!

Our little one started walking this week and already she's almost running. What is it with kids? Smell the roses! Take time out to just enjoy walking!!

She is pretty pleased with herself though.., The downside is she is also teething with her molars so whingy is the word de jour in Casa de la Kitty. So we have a whinging walking boddler - it's almost like we skipped 14 years and went straight to Teenagerdom...

K xx


Sammie said...

Hooray for Georgie! Boo for the molars though :-(
She's so quick already!!! Much quicker than Abi!

Miss Kitty-Cat said...

It was overnight Sammie. Literally just went from wobbly steps, and just a few of them, to running. Crazy! Where have our babies gone?

K xx

Red Phoenix Style by Willow and Lotus Phoenix said...

What a cutie! L xx

Sydney Shop Girl said...


SSG xxxx

Sydney Shop Girl said...


SSG xxxx

Anonymous said...

Too cute! She is so confident - just leaps up and starts striding along. And what a cracking pace!

bridalbuy said...

So cute baby!

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Unknown said...

Aw the video made me smile SO much Miss Kitty <3