She had an uncanny ability to seek out beautiful things in leo-pard and purchase them, much to her husband's chagrin, although over the years he has resigned himself to the fact that she will never change.
Case in point - on her recent trip to the US, she made a special visit to the Mecca of Shoes. New York. She worshiped at the temple of the goddess of footwear: Christian Louboutin.
She saw many beautiful things but a few items in particular caught her eye...

Behold the beauty of the box!

The first pair she had to have are rather amusingly called "peanuts". Yes - their full name is Peanut 70 Pony Luxor Leopard. Quite a mouthful! They are comfy, being a wedge, and will go well with a variety of outfits, including jeans, black trousers and casual dresses. An all purpose shoe, if you will.

The second pair are fun and frivolous espadrilles. Officially entitled Carino 100 Pony Leopard Wedge, they were too cute to pass up. I hope I will get a lot of wear out of these over summer. I envision maxi dresses in black and a gigantic red handbag as a fabulous accessory.

The final pair of shoes were actually purchased at Bergdorf Goodman. The Church of all Beautiful Things. The Cat had already made up her mind that she was "just browsing, not purchasing" until she spied something across the shoe boutique. Something she believed had sold out worldwide last year, never to be repeated (according to the sales assistant in Paris). A shoe that was almost mythical, it's very existence pondered upon but she had never actually seen it in real life. They were being held by another shoe worshiper in an unfeasibly small size, but she beckoned the shoe assistant and asked if such a wonderous item existed in her size. He went to check, and returned with a sad look on his face.
"I only have them in a half size larger than you were looking for. They do run a little small, though. Would you like to try them?"
Would she ever.
He produced the - until this point - mythical shoes, she slipped them on her feet, and fell in love. They were perfect. Amazing.

A true Cinderella moment.
You would think that this story would end at this point with an "and they all lived happily ever after." But no, there was another addition to the family, before the end of the overseas adventure. A beautiful pair of Salvatore Ferragamo Carlas in a deep metallic red. The perfect foil for all that leo-pard and ridiculously comfortable.

And now, they all live happily ever after.

Kitty xx
Oh. My. Goodness.
What beautiful shoes!
Good work, Kitty!!
SSG xxx
They are spectacularly fantabulous. And even I think three pairs of leopard in one trip is a good effort. K xx
oh I am in love with them all however the very prives (or are they numero prives?) are absolutely spectacular! Now you have a louboutin leopard family to look after! hehehe!
They are very prives *misskitty*! I am not great with slingbacks - they don't seem to sit properly around my heel for some reason. I have been lusting after the very prives for about 12 months now and was so excited when I accidentally stumbled across them after searching all across Europe last year. Shows it was fate.
oh. my. god.
i bow down to your altar of awesomeness.
oooo what a haul! well done kitty!
I have a number of variations of the Ferragamo Carla and love each and every one - so comfy, so classy! I haven't seen a pair of metallic red beauties, though, and I have the severe Wanties over yours! They make me think of Dorothy (*click* There's no place like home!).
Oh Amy - they are ridiculously comfortable. I am such a convert. They currently have metallic red beauties at the QVB store I noticed last week as I was walking through... I didn't see mine but I did see many other options...
Hehe I like your family there-a very good looking lineup! :D
NQN- yes, there are good genes in our family when it comes to shoes!
Carla - I actually thought of you when I bought them! So funny!
Lovellllyyyy and tres jealous!
How lovely - every girl need a bit of leopard skin in her closet... Or more than a bit, in your case! I'm sure it suits you perfectly!
Poppy xox
i want the shoeeeeeeeees and we're the same size!!
* off to hunt out where you live * :P
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