One of my favourite bloggers passed this on to me - it's the first one I have been given and I have to say I was thrilled to receive it. I started this blog simply as a creative outlet just three months ago - I might write every day as part of my job but it's not the same as doing something for myself. Something that delves into who I am and allows me to be me. I told myself at the beginning it didn't matter if no-one read it, but I am amazed everyday when I receive lovely comments about my posts. People out there are actually reading what I have to say!
Being so new to this Blogging Biz, I am still yet to define what this blog is actually about. It's not a fashion blog, although I do talk about frocks quite a bit. It's not a shopping blog, although that is one of my favourite pastimes. It's not a food blog, although I do share some of my favourite recipes... It's not a daily record of my life either as I tend to talk about everything and nothing at all. I guess it's just a creative outlet - it's anything and everything I want it to be. And that's enough for the moment.
So - on to this award! I am supposed to pass it on to ten other fabulous bloggers! I find it very hard to limit it to just ten because you really are all my favourites! So I choose:
Frocks & Frou Frou: I have been following the Lovely Lilli for quite a while now - basically ever since she started her blog up. She is a fashion inspiration to me and a whole bunch of other lovely ladies. So bold, so clever, tres chic.
365 days of Elise: I love reading Elise's musings about her life. Her 365 day photo blog is really fun and an interesting look at life!
Confessions of a Curious Mind: Curious Girl has a really great turn of phrase and I love how she throws herself into everything with such passion!
Whisk and Whimsy: I wish I had Amy's talent - both in the kitchen and for creating beautiful objects.
Sassiest: Although she doesn't blog as much as she used to, I always get excited when I see a new post from the lovely Sass! She is a beautiful soul and a true friend.
365 days of our married life together: Farrah is such a lovely girl and I adore reading her journey through her first year of marriage with her husband Wayne.
When Harry Met Holly: *misskitty* was one of my first followers and I love reading about the adventures of her puppy and kitty. More stories please!!
Cclarebear: Clare is a very talented girl. She has a fabulous writing style and I love hearing what she has to say on life.
Not Quite Nigella: Lorraine is my blogging inspiration. She is so sweet and kind and I love reading her culinary adventures, reviews and cooking escapades on a daily basis.
And finally - the divine Faux Fuchsia: If you aren't already following the Faux Fuchsia train, get yourself on it - immediately! She has such a witty turn of phrase and I love her glamorous addiction to frocks and high end clobber. She is an absolute sweetheart and one of my favourite bloggers of all time.
It goes without saying that I also pass this back to the glamorous and lovely Sydney Shop Girl who gave me this lovely award in the first place. I love reading her blog and her ability to talk about many things at once in a cohesive way is definitely admired by me. I seem to be a single subject blogger - one post, one topic. But she has such a way with words that takes you on a journey through her life that I love. We are both relatively recent Sydney imports and seem to have so much in common. Thanks for being an inspiration!
Now - apparently I also have to share ten things that make me smile. Limiting it to ten is had but I am going to put the first ten that come to mind. In no particular order:
Mr Kitty. This morning he made me a cup of tea and brought it in to me so I could continue reading and dozing just that little while longer. His thoughtfulness is just one of the many many reasons I love him.
The Kitties: they are naughty and bad and have destroyed the lounge room curtains (much to Mr Kitty's chagrin) but they are the love of our lives. So very cute!
Talking to my mama and daddio on the phone: living so far away from my parents makes me sad sometimes but I just love having chats with my Mum and Dad. I don't get to talk to them nearly enough.
Baking: I love cooking for others - it's my nurturing and creative side coming out. I might not be able to fix a hem or sew a button back on but by god I can bake.
Freshly washed sheets: I love the thought that tonight I will be crawling into a bed with freshly washed sheets that have been dried in the sun. What a simple luxury!
Masterchef: such a cliche but I smile every time I think of this TV show starting again. I am freakishly addicted. For those who don't know - Monday 19th April. 7:30. Be there.
Blogging: I love that people I have never met read what I have to say and then come back to read more. It's an inspiration and keeps me going!
A good gin and tonic: right now (well, not actually now, but at the moment, generally in the evenings) I am loving Tanqueray 10 with tonic and a squeeze of lime. It's the best.
Massages: I love a really good massage and just the thought of one puts a smile on my face.
And finally, thinking about holidays makes me smile. Some nice time with Mr Kitty, a little bit of shopping and great meals at fantastic restaurants. What more could a girl ask for?
Keep smiling!
Kitty xx
I just removed my double comment :)
Congratulations on your award! Aww thankyou so much Kitty! You are so sweet! I love these kinds of blogs that are a bit about food and a bit about fashion as those are two things that I love! I hope you're having a great Easter! :D
Oh you are a sweetheart Miss Kitty! I admit that my blogging is embarrassingly sporadic, but I do enjoy your musings, so keep up the great work!
Aww thanks lovely kitty, you are so sweet!
I also love freshly washed sheets! best ever.
Congratulations on your blog award, Kitty, and many thanks for passing it my way :)
Thank you for your kind words about my blog - it makes me feel encouraged to keep plugging away at it when I might otherwise be flailing...
I'm also with you on the telephone chats with Mum & Dad. With mine living so far away as well I relish our long chats over the telephone. The happy note in my Dad's voice when he discovers it is me on the other end of the line never fails to bring a smile to my face. :)
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