As part of my usual (weekly) trawl of etsy, I came across this seller of whimsy and frou frou. Helkat Designs manufactures cushions fashioned with heraldic designs and flags, inspired by the British Empire. Being the fan I am of everything British (afternoon tea, shortbread, Harry Potter and tiaras are just some examples), the cushions in this store are therefore crying out to be bought and come and live in my house. With me.
There are three issues with the above statement.
1. I live in a 1970's house that is brown. With beige and tan accents. So none of it would work. I know it's hard to imagine but it is sadly true.
2. We are about to knock down aforementioned house and rebuild hence the purchase of homewares has been restricted until we have a theme. For the colours. And the design. Actually just final plans would be a start. I could live with plans.
3. Millie's objective in life is to eat and scratch anything fluffy and soft (especially cushions), so these would basically be $50 snacks for the cat. I like to think that I am reasonably openminded in terms of how much things cost but even I shudder at that thought.
So for the moment these have been bookmarked for a later stage when I have the house sorted. Le sigh.
I'm positive that particular item would not go with our decor, but maybe I could change everything AROUND a marvellous turquoise union jack & thistle cushion...
*off to peruse etsy...*
$50 cat toys aren't that expensive...
Well they are for someone who doesn't have any income. Or who won't after the beginning of May...
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